MAS Council of Islamic Schools (MASCIS) is the department that caters to the growing number of Islamic schools in the United States. Our mission is to establish an Islamic school system in North America that nurtures a balanced Muslim personality seeking to excel in every field of endeavor. MASCIS aims to be an effective source of educational leadership and a resource center for Islamic schools in North America.
Through the Council of Islamic Schools, MAS offers several technical and support services as well as professional training programs for teachers and administrators of full-time and part-time Islamic schools. MASCIS is working to establish an effective network of Islamic schools in order to exchange information and expertise, and upgrade and unify curricula. Visit online pokies and make extra cash online.
Islamic education has been a central goal of the Muslim community for years. It remains one of the most important challenges facing us today. Currently, new Islamic schools in North America have to start from scratch because of a lack of proper coordination and an absence of effective communication, thus reinventing the wheel. Moreover, Islamic schools in North America have developed their curricula unsystematically. In particular, the curricula for Islamic and Arabic Studies is relatively weak and was not designed to meet the requirements of Muslim students residing in North America.
These factors have made Islamic schools merely a refuge from the negative influences of public schools, rather than a genuine system in and of themselves. Given the fact that Islamic schools cater to a small minority of the Muslim population, our objective is to transform the students into dynamic, future Muslim American leaders with a comprehensive understanding of Islam. We will work to produce students who will become effective citizens and contribute to the betterment of American society.
1) Network participating schools in the United States within three years.
2) Provide a comprehensive and unified curriculum, particularly in Islamic, Arabic and Social Studies to participating schools in the US within five years.
3) Review the curricula of Islamic schools to:
a. Develop unified curricula and textbooks that reflect both the authentic foundations and principles of Islam as well as the modern educational methodologies and practices relevant to the North American environment.
b. Develop an Islamic studies curriculum that is balanced, authentic, and dynamic In order to nurture a balanced Muslim personality excelling in every field of endeavor.
c. Develop an Arabic language curriculum and textbooks that are appropriate and relevant to Muslim students in North America.
d. Design and develop educational tools and materials for Islamic schools.
e. Facilitate Islamic schools’ accreditation with the appropriate state and private accreditation authorities.
f. Work toward providing a group insurance program for teachers, administrators, and staff of Islamic schools.