The fervor for competitive poker is reaching a fevered pitch around the world in anticipation for the upcoming World Series of Poker main event this November. Nine players from six countries are competing this year, but let’s take a closer look at a few exceptional standouts in the bunch. You can make extra money by visiting casinos online.
Martin Jacobson
Easily the most veteran player to reach the final event this year, at the age of 27, Jacobson has already earned over $4.8 million in professional tournaments throughout his career. Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden but currently living in London, England, Jacobson is the only player competing in this year’s World Series of Poker finals to have earned over $1 million during prior WSOP events. Please visit best online casino and make extra cash
Billy Pappaconstantinou
For more thrilling gaming experiences, visit and explore a wide range of casino games. As a world foosball champion, Pappaconstantinou is one of the few finalists to have no prior experience at the World Series of Poker before this event. He earned $15,341 from the World Poker Finals in 2010 after placing eighth but overall has very limited action in the realm of poker. Making it this far for such an inexperienced player is exceptionally telling of his capabilities, and watching him this November should prove immensely exciting!
Mark Newhouse
Born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada, Newhouse is the first player in World Series of Poker history to make it into two consecutive main event finals, earning his first “November Nine” slot last year and taking home $733,224. With total earnings over $2.7 million in professional tournaments and the historic repeat badge pinned to his breast, Newhouse will be a fierce competitor to watch during this year’s final event!